
By: Jade Payan, Project Manager for Econogy Project Translated by: Noemi Amelynck, Head of Research for Econogy Project The measures and protocols implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19, which often have adopted international recommendations, have provoked an anxious reaction from the Cameroonian population in their ability to continue the practice of their traditions and […]

By: Carla Suárez, Research Leader for the Andes Region Bolivia has been largely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic both economically and environmentally. The South American nation had already been struggling with climate disasters prior to the start of the pandemic. Bolivia’s territory stretches from the top of the Andes mountain range to the depth of […]

By: Noemi Amelynck, Head of Research On December 19th, 2021, left-wing candidate, Gabriel Boric, won the Chilean presidential elections with around 55% of the vote. Boric’s vision and pledge for Chile is to reverse the neoliberal system which has dominated the country since Pinochet’s dictatorship. The model prioritizes free market policies and the privatization of […]

Revolutionising water desalination in developing countries: solar powered WaterKiosks sustainably transform rural communities Boreal Light GmbH is a young Berlin based company specialised on renewable energy solutions for water treatment facilities. The company designs and manufactures affordable solar water desalination systems for off-grid communities around the globe. The fully solar powered and affordable products of […]

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This project aims at exploring the implications of Covid-19 for economic development, with particular insights on green growth alternatives and social development.

Project incubated by International Impact.

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